The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) has a unique history, transitioning from a group of scientists who built the world’s first atomic bombs to a powerful voice for global security and scientific progress.
- Founding and Mission:
- Founded in 1945 by scientists, including those who worked on the Manhattan Project, FAS aims to make the world more secure using science and scientific analysis.
- Their mission is to deploy cutting-edge technology, new ideas in science, and talent to address significant global challenges.
- Areas of Focus:
- FAS engages in policy analysis, public education, and outreach.
- They collaborate with civil rights, human rights, and arms control groups, emphasizing grassroots organizing.
- Key domains include technology, innovation, environmental justice, the bioeconomy, and nuclear weapons.
- Recent Work:
- FAS addresses chronic absenteeism in schools, advocates for standards in the U.S. bioeconomy, and improves public health through medicolegal death investigations.
- They also focus on federal permitting processes and government innovation.
- Vision:
- FAS envisions a world where science and technology contribute to a healthy, safe, prosperous, and equitable society.
Learn More: Visit the Federation of American Scientists website for more information on their ongoing work.
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